Saturday, June 8, 2013

He ALWAYS Provides.

We've always trusted that God will provide for our family and He has once again blessed us hugely!

Friday, June 21st we are closing on our new house...sad to leave the home that our children came home to and have always known as their "home" but we know that where ever we are all together...that's home.  There are friends that we will be further away from...sadly, and there are friends that we will be closer to...happily.

Let me start by saying this house isn't "perfect" but that's why I love that it will be Our {DIY} Home.  

Featuring the Hardy's new home...

Our {DIY} Home
Because we are...well how do I put it...crazy.  We've decided to move as quickly as possible into the new house so that we can get our house empty and rented out.  Oh and by as quickly as possible I mean, the day we close on the house.  Let the fun begin. PACKING.  I think the definition of packing is realizing how much junk you've accumulated in the past ___ years, for us 7.

This will be your experience if you visit...just a warning
 Well apparently these empty boxes don't fill themselves up I better get moving.  Here's to our new adventure in our new home.  We are praising God for this blessing.

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